Kids' Sudoku is a game specially designed for kids aged four to ten; it will help them develop intelligence and concentration. The game board is a simple table with a four horizontal rows and four vertical columns, a 4 by 4 box divided into four 2 by 2 boxes. The goal of the game is to fill in all the boxes with numbers from one to four, so that each row, each column, and each 2x2 box contains all four digits.
The game offers many useful options designed to attract kids and let them play it for a longer time. One of the options is that user will be able to replace the numbers with colorful geometrical shapes. Some other options the game offers are hints, undo button, pause, and checking filled in boxes for whether they're filled in correctly not. The "Solve" option is the last resort for users: it solves the whole puzzle instead of the player.
The game is compatible with all Microsoft Windows versions including Windows Seven. One of the disadvantages of the game is that it's impossible to save your current progress to resume it later.